La Asamblea estará formada por todos los socios de Líberos Real Jaén y será el órgano que obtenga la mayor cuota de poder en el caso de que se adquiera el paquete accionarial mayoritario.
A dicha asamblea podrán acudir todos los miembros a razón de un voto por asociado. Las votaciones también se podrán realizar de manera telemática. La asamblea nombra a los integrantes del Consejo de Administración y de la Mesa de la Afición


The Assembly will be made up of all the members of Líberos Real Jaén and will be the body that obtains the highest share of power in the event that the majority shareholding package is acquired.
All members of this body may attend this Assembly. Voting (one vote per associate) may also be conducted electronically. The Assembly elects the members of the Management Board and the Fans Advisory Board.

The Management Board of Real Jaén will be made up of delegated members of Líberos Real Jaén, as well as other people who are voted and elected by the members in an assembly called for this purpose.

It will be an advisory body, to collect the general opinion of the club's social mass. This table will be made up of 1 member from each of the supporters groups, in addition to 3 independent fans. The table will meet monthly and its suggestions will be taken into consideration by the Management Board.